Saturday, July 26, 2008

Not Excited

Maybe I haven't been posting because I never liked the style of my blog. I took some time to remedy that this morning...more time than I could afford actually. Lots of stuff going on right now. The next few weeks (especially this coming week) are going to be busy. A short list of the things that will be transpiring: Closing on my townhouse, packing for my cruise, leaving for the cruise, packing up my house, moving, settling in, and school starting. I am so overwhelmed. I don't know where to start, so I don't. I just sit around and let the time slip away. Like right now. I should be packing for something, but instead I am here writing about it. I don't have the motivation to do anything. I am not excited about any of these things. Is that normal?


Holly Child said...

No, that's not normal...but what is normal is taking it one thing at a time. Obviously, you can't pack your house while you're on your cruise, so don't let thinking about it ruin it! Ya know?! Just do one thing at a time.

The Ashlee said...

Wow you have exciting life!! totally jealous!! Ill pack for you, if i can go in your place. I kid i kid. Where is your new house at? My mom says hi.

Kristi said...

Heather- I totally think it is normal to feel overwhelmed with all the big stuff that you have coming up- that's a lot of work and a lot of change. I a great procrastinator when it comes to doing things I am not looking forward to. Set small realistic goals to accomplish before you go and then like Holly said, enjoy yourself on your cruise, knowing that the rest will still be there when you get back.

Betty Grace said...

I love the new look- very fun. You need to post some pics of your new place!

Freer Family said...

Love the makeover! And when I have 8 million things to do I usually find myself wasting time, lol. I'm so excited for your new house and your cruise and all of the pictures. If I was there I'd help ya pack, you know I would.