Friday, February 15, 2008

The Second Most Hated Day in the Life of a Teacher

Can you see the chaos? Can you feel it? Does it make you as tired as it makes me? I am so glad that day is over. I loved Valentine's day as a kid, but as a teacher, it's a whole different story!

Students: What do you mean we have to do Reading and Math today? Do you know what today is?
Me: Yeah. It's Thursday.

But don't let the bitterness fool you, because after all is said and done, I know it's for the kids. And there is a lot of love in my classroom. I adore my students, and evidenced by the loot below, they adore me, too!


Holly Child said...

You got a far cry more than me this Valentine's Day, and I've been married for about 8.5 years! ;o) Love the loot!! And I love the picture of that girl carrying the tub of cutie v-day cups. You know her mom stayed up half the night puttin' those together and there was NO WAY she was letting her hard work get squished in a Target bag! And the kid was probably 10 shades of embarrassed to have to carry that tub to school! ;o) I'm that mom.....

Christy said...

Sigh...I miss Valentine's Day at school!
I've been thinking a lot about my return to the working world here lately!

I know I'll be thinking differently once I'm back in it, though! ;) I'll be thinking..."Dang, I can't wait for summer to get here!"

Freer Family said...

Woah, you scored some serious loot! I love that they bring you diet coke, that is the coolest!

Helena said...

Woo hoo, that's quite the haul!