Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Star Wars vs. The Civil Rights Movement

Student 1: Miss Martin, what is the name of the guy who assassinated Martin Luther King Jr.?
Student 2: I heard it was James Earl something.
Student 1: Oh, yeah! I know! James Earl Jones!
Me: James Earl Jones DID NOT kill Dr. King! The assassin's name was James Earl Ray. James Earl Jones is an actor who did the voice of Darth Vader in Star Wars.
Student 3: Miss Martin, I bet if James Earl Jones killed Dr. King he would have used a lightsaber.


Kristi said...

Too funny!! You could write a book with all the funny things your students say!

Holly Child said...

That's hilarious! I seriously laughed out loud!! Kids are clever and they don't even realize it!

Heather said...

I know! And the one that came up with that comment? Half the time he doesn't even know if he's coming or going...a quiet thinker, that one!

notetoself said...

it's those quiet thinker (star wars watching) ones you have to watch out for! I married one! ;)

the first year I taught I had a little boy would stare out the window most of the day and then pop out with deeper questions at 3 then I could think of at 21! ;)

Freer Family said...

OMG, that is so hilarious!

Helena said...

Ha! I love it.

teresa said...

Oh my gosh!!! That was so funny!